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This site is devoted to gathering prophecies and background information related to signs that will precede the promised return of Jesus.

The impetus for collecting and organizing these prophecies was the observation that many contemporary prophecies cluster about themes which confirm and amplify verses of scripture about the last days. We are also struck by the remarkable consistency amongst these prophecies. Details vary, but the similarity among different prophecies over many decades can be astounding - for example, compare the different visions and prophecies of the giant West Coast Earthquake

Another observation was that it appears that all of the signs mentioned in scripture regarding the end times are all happening simultaneously. So while 'wars and rumors of war' are a sign, it has been hard to find an era when some part of the globe is NOT consumed by war. But when earthquakes AND pestilences (pandemics) AND a movement to resurrect the Third Temple AND war AND the other signs all happen at the same time, that is noteworthy.

Regarding prophecy itself, Amos 3:7 tells us that "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." Having said that, please note we are not affirming the inevitability of any specific prophecy. Mainly because many prophecies are conditional and changeable depending on how hearers respond to the prophecy.

For example, in the book of Jonah chapter 3:4, the prophet preached that “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” However, destruction was averted when (vs 5) "The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth."

In 1 KIngs 21, King Ahab of Israel, was condemned for letting his wife orchestrate the murder of an innocent Israelite, but after hearing God's judgment through the prophet Elijah, he put on sackcloth and fasted, whereupon God promised to delay the judgement until his son's lifetime. Furthermore, we are not deeply acquainted with either the characters of those whose claim to be prophets or their track record of successful (and also unfulfilled) prophecies to give an endorsement.

So it is up to the reader to pray for discernment of the truth of specific prophecies, and inclusion in this site does not imply an endorsement of the either prophet or prophecy.